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See Before Sun Jan 15th



Dr John Jackson - The Rock Doctor


Dr John Jackson dressed for the part at the opening of his superb exhibition “The Art of Scottish Geology” on Friday evening at the Old Kirk Yamba Museum.  Artist Graham Mackie advised John,  “Your work has stepped up another level” !  Long time friend, Warren Rackham, Secretary of the Maclean Scottish Association, opened the exhibition revealing the many attributes and qualifications of the infamous Dr Jackson.


Dr Jackson, otherwise known as The Rock Doctor, paints the story of how the earth evolved and chose Scotland as his theme, paying homage to the acknowledged founder of modern geology James Hutton. Scotland was one of the countries that contributed most to the foundation of geological science.  Scottish Geology is a wonderful introduction to how our world works. It is recommended that as you flip through the artist's catalogue ($10), you read the précis for each artwork to fully appreciate the intricate segments and layers of substance and colour.


The artworks depict what the earth’s activity and landscape looked like from 3 billion years ago moving into the present day. Scotland is a small country with an enormous story to tell, and with nearby Maclean being the Scottish Town in Australia this exhibition is an added connection. Brooms Head rock formations excite geologists for the clarity of form.  


Dr Jackson will be ‘in residence’ most days during his exhibition, 13 December to 29 January 2023, to facilitate your journey through Scottish geological history.  Entry to the Museum and Gallery is $5 Adults and children under 15 free. The Yamba Museum is located east of the Golf and Country Club in River Street, Yamba.  Two (almost identical) workshops will be conducted 11am Wednesday 11 and 19 January, 2023 at a fee of $10. Those wishing to attend please contact Gai Pritchett, Email:

Dr Jackson at Exhibition Opening.jpg
Dr John Jackson explaining painting.jpeg
Lesley, John and Warren at Opening.jpg
Warren Rackham Sec Maclean Scottish Asscn.JPG

Yamba Museum
River Street, Yamba - P.O. Box 100 Yamba NSW 2464

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Opening Times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

10.00 am - 2.00 pm
Saturday and Sunday

10.00 am - 2.00 pm

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